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Installing DVC Media 5.0 Program
✤Do not connect the camcorder to PC before installing the program.
✤If another camera or scanner is connected, please disconnect it in advance.
✤This explanation is based on Windows® 98SE OS.
Program installation
1.Insert the software CD into
-Installation selection screen appears in the monitor.
2.If the installation selection screen does not appear after inserting the CD click “Run” on the Windows “Start” menu and execute SETUP.EXE file to begin installation.
3.Click one of the icons listed below to install the selected software.
■ The program automatically check and install the driver which the PC is needed.
■ DVC Driver: USB removable Disk Driver (Windows® 98SE only) USB PC CAMERA Driver
■ Editing Software
Using the “removable Disk” function
✤You can easily transfer data from a memory stick to a PC without additional
1.Set the mode switch to memory, set the power switch to CAMERA or
2.Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB jack on the camcorder and the other end to the USB connector on your computer.
Using the “PC camera” function
✤You can use this camcorder as a PC CAMERA.
✤When you connect to a Web site that can provide video chatting functions, you can use your camcorder for such functions.
✤Using the camcorder with PC installed
✤The PC CAMERA's screen size is 160 ✕ 120 pixels.
✤If PC is connected with the USB to the camcorder, the buttons which excepts the POWER SWITCH, MODE SWITCH, ZOOM SWITCH, and
Also, Digital Zoom does not operate.
1.Set the mode switch to Tape, set the power switch to CAMERA.
2.Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB jack on the camcorder and the other end to the USB connector on your computer.
Instalace programu DVC Media 5.0
✤Pfied instalací programu nepfiipojujte videokameru k PC.
✤JestliÏe je pfiipojena dal‰í kamera nebo skener, pfiedem je prosím odpojte.
✤Tyto pokyny vychází z dokumentace urãené pro OS Windows® 98SE.
Instalace programu
-Na monitoru se zobrazí instalaãní volby.
2.JestliÏe se po vloÏení CD nezobrazí úvodní stránka s nabídkou instalace, poklepejte na poloÏku “Run” v nabídce Start OS Windows a spusÈte soubor SETUP.EXE.
-Pokud má
3.Klepnûte na tlaãítko k instalaci zvoleného softwaru.
■Program automaticky zkontroluje a nainstaluje potfiebn˘ ovladaã)
■ovladaãe DVC: USB v˘mûnn˘ Disk Driver(pouze Windows® 98SE) USB PC Camera Driver
■editaãního softwaru
PouÏití funkce “removable disk”
✤MÛÏete pfiesunout data z pamûÈové karty do PC, bez dal‰ích pfiídavn˘ch karet pfies USB pfiipojení.
1.Pfiepínaã MODE (reÏim) nastavte na Memory (PamûÈ), tlaãítko Power (napájení) do reÏimu Camera nebo Player.
2.Jeden konec USB kabelu zapojte do USB konektoru na kamefie, druh˘ do USB konektoru na va‰em PC.
PouÏití funkce “PC camera”
✤Tuto kameru lze pouÏít jako PC kameru.
✤Pfii pfiipojení na webové stránky, které poskytují funkci “video chat”, mÛÏete pouÏít pro tuto funkci tuto kameru.
✤Pokud máte nainstalován
✤Velikost obrazovky PC kamery je 160 ✕ 120 pixelÛ.
✤Pokud je PC pfiipojen pfies USB s kamerou, nejsou funkãní tlaãítka s v˘jimkou: POWER , MODE , ZOOM , NIGHT CAPTURE.
1.Pfiepínaã MODE (reÏim) nastavte na Tape (kazeta), tlaãítko Power (napájení) do reÏimu Camera.
2.Jeden konec USB kabelu zapojte do USB konektoru na kamefie,
druh˘ do USB konektoru na va‰em PC.81