51H | Reading timer value of FOR LOAD ON |
52H | Disable/Enable timer of FOR LOAD ON |
53H | Reading timer state of FOR LOAD ON |
54H | Setting communication address |
55H | Enable/Disable LOCAL control mode. |
56H | Enable/Disable remote sense mode. |
57H | Reading the state of remote sense mode. |
58H | Selecting trigger source. |
59H | Reading trigger source. |
5AH | Sending a trigger signal to trigging the electronic load. |
5BH | Saving user’s setting value in appointed memory area for recall. |
5CH | Recall user’s setting value in appointed memory area. |
5DH | Selecting FIXED/SHORT/TRAN/LIST/BATTERY function mode. |
5EH | Getting function mode state. |
5FH | Reading input voltage, current, power and relative state |
60H | Enter the calibration mode |
61H | Getting the calibration mode state. |
62H | Calibrate voltage value. |
63H | Sending the actual input voltage to calibration program. |
64H | Calibrate current value. |
65H | Sending the actual input current to calibration program. |
66H | Store the calibration data to EEPROM. |
67H | Setting calibration information. |
68H | Reading calibration information. |
69H | Restore the factory default calibration data. |
6AH | Reading product’s model, series number and version information. |
6BH | Reading the information of bar code. |
6CH | Setting information of bar code |
12H | The return information of command operation in electronic load. |
If control output of electronic through PC, please setting Electronic load is on PC control state. Command is 20H. Make a calibration on input of electronic
Load, Ensure the calibration protection mode is OFF state when setting calibration information.
If electronic load in calibration mode, user’s can’t change the input and operation mode of electronic load
4. From 4th byte to 25th byte are information contents.
5. 26th is sum code, is the sum of the former 25 bytes.
4. Communication Protocol
1. Selecting the Remote control mode(20H)
1st byte
Start bit ( AAH )