•HR settings (heart rate settings): HR view: Choose Beats per min (beats per minute) or % of max
(% of your maximum heart rate). HR visible to others: Choose On or Off. If you choose On, other compatible devices (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
A wider range of customization options is available in the Flow web service. For more information, see Sport profiles in Flow web service.
To view and edit your physical settings, go to Settings > Physical settings. It is important that you're pre- cise with the physical settings, as they have an impact on the accuracy of the values that are measured by your A300, such as the heart rate zone limits and calorie expenditure.
In Physical settings you'll find:
•Weight: Set your weight in kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs).
•Height: Set your height in centimeters (metric) or in feet and inches (imperial).
•Date of birth: Set your birthday. The order in which the date settings are depends on which time and
date format you have chosen (24h: day - month - year / 12h: month - day - year).
•Sex: Select Male or Female.
Please complete your settings in the Flow web service to get accurate activity data and activity goal, and to be able to use all features on your A300.
To view and edit the general settings, go to Settings > General settings.
In General settings you'll find:
•Pair and sync
•Flight mode
•Inactivity alert
•About product