Melissa DVP3980 manual About Blood Pressure

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What is blood pressure?

When the heart pumps blood around the body, the blood exerts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. This is known as blood pressure.

Blood pressure is different in different parts of the body and depends on the pulse, how elastic the blood vessels are and how thick the blood is.

The pressure that can be measured when the heart pumps out into the body is known as systolic blood pressure. The pressure that can be measured when blood runs back from the body towards the heart is known as diastolic blood pressure.

The two types of blood pressure are usually given together, with the systolic blood pressure always given first. If blood pressure is given as "120/70" (expressed as "120 over 70"), this means that the systolic blood pressure is 120, and the diastolic 70.

The reading unit for blood pressure is mmHg (millimetres of mercury).

Why does blood pressure vary?

Blood pressure varies throughout the day and over a person’s life. Many different factors affect your blood pressure, something you should be aware of when taking your blood pressure. For instance, be aware of the following:

Blood pressure is higher during the day than at night.

Blood pressure increases slightly after you have just eaten. A lot of salt in food can also increase blood pressure.

Light exercise (e.g. walking and jogging) causes the systolic blood pressure to rise slightly, while hard exercise will cause it to rise dramatically. However, it will fall again when the body relaxes. A lack of exercise raises blood pressure permanently.

Blood pressure can increase if you are excited, stressed or tense.

Sudden climatic changes can cause blood pressure to rise.

The systolic pressure increases with age.

Women have a greater risk of increased blood pressure after the menopause.

Insufficient sleep, smoking, obesity, alcohol and certain illnesses cause blood pressure to rise.

Bathing and toilet visits may cause blood pressure to rise.

When is my blood pressure too high or too low?

High blood pressure is also called hypertension. Low blood pressure is also called hypotension. The diagram below shows when your blood pressure is too high or too low.





> 140 mmHg

> 90 mmHg

High normal

130-139 mmHg

85-89 mmHg


91-129 mmHg

51-84 mmHg


< 90 mmHg

< 50 mmHg

Why should I measure my blood pressure?

Blood pressure naturally increases as you get older, but high blood pressure can also be the first sign of illness, being overweight or of the arteries beginning to stiffen, which increases the risk of blood clots, among other things. It is therefore a good idea to keep an eye on your blood pressure and consult a doctor if it seems unusually high or low.

Important! Do not use to make medical diagnoses. For use only as reference. Consult a doctor if your blood pressure readings seem abnormal. Always follow the procedure specified in these user instructions when taking readings.


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Contents 630012IM6rev 23/10/06 1042 Side Batterier Symboler på displayenIntroduktion Viktiga SäkerhetsföreskrifterOM Blodtryck Mätning av blodtryck Förbereda ApparatenSätta i batterierna Förbereda för en blodtrycksmätningSpara och överföra mätningar Visa sparade blodtrycksmätningarRadera sparade blodtrycksmätningar Felmeddelande Betydelse Orsak Lösning FelmeddelandenGarantivillkor FörvaringRengöring Information OM Kassering OCH Återvinning AV Denna ProduktSymboler på displayet Vigtige SikkerhedsforanstaltningerOversigt Over Apparatets Dele OM Blodtryk Betjening AF Apparatet Klargøring AF ApparatetIsætning af batterier Indstilling af uretLagring og overførsel af blodtryksmålinger Visning af gemte blodtryksmålingerSletning af gemte blodtryksmålinger Fejlmeddelelse Betydning Årsag Løsning FejlmeddelelserGarantibestemmelser OpbevaringRengøring Oplysninger OM Bortskaffelse OG Genbrug AF Dette ProduktApparatets Hoveddeler DisplaysymbolerInnledning Viktige SikkerhetsreglerKategori Systolisk Diastolisk OM BlodtrykkHva er blodtrykk? Når er blodtrykket for høyt eller for lavt?Bruk AV Apparatet Klargjøring AV ApparatetSette i batteriene Stille klokkenLagre og overføre målinger Vise lagrede blodtrykksmålingerSlette lagrede blodtrykksmålinger Felmeddelande Betydelse Orsak FeilmeldingerGarantibetingelser OppbevaringRengjøre Apparatet Informasjon OM Avhending OG Resirkulering AV ProduktetParistot Näytön symbolitJohdanto Tärkeitä TurvallisuusohjeitaLaitteen Valmistelu VerenpaineKellonajan asettaminen Laitteen KäyttöVerenpaineen mittaaminen Lukemien tallennus ja siirto Tallennettujen verenpainelukemien katseleminenTallennettujen verenpainelukemien poistaminen Virheilmoitus Merkitys Syy Ratkaisu VirheilmoituksetTakuuehdot SäilytysPuhdistus Tietoja Tuotteen Hävittämisestä JA KierrättämisestäBatteries Important Safety PrecautionsSymbols on the display IntroductionAbout Blood Pressure Operating the Apparatus Setting the clockPreparing the Apparatus Inserting the batteriesSaving and transferring readings Displaying saved blood pressure readingsDeleting saved blood pressure readings Error Messages Error message Meaning CauseSolution Information on Disposal and Recycling of this Product CleaningGuarantee Terms StorageBatterien Symbole im DisplayEinleitung Wichtige SicherheitsvorkehrungenBereich Systolisch Über DEN Blutdruck Was ist der Blutdruck?Warum verändert sich der Blutdruck? Wann ist mein Blutdruck zu hoch oder zu niedrig?Bedienung DES Geräts Vorbereitung DES GerätsEinlegen der Batterien Einstellen der UhrAnzeige gespeicherter Blutdruckmessungen Speichern und Übertragen von MessungenFehlermeldung Bedeutung Grund Lösung FehlermeldungenImporteur AufbewahrungReinigung GarantiebedingungenWST¢P WA˚NE Informacje NA Temat BEZPIECZE¡STWABaterie Czym jest ciÊnienie krwi? Symbole na wyÊwietlaczu¸ÓWNE Elementy SK¸ADOWE Urzñdzenia Cinieniu KrwiOBS¸UGA Urzñdzenia Przygotowanie UrzñdzeniaOdczyt ciÊnienia krwi Zapisywanie i przenoszenie wyników pomiarówWyÊwietlanie zapisanych wyników pomiarów Rozwiàzanie Kasowanie zapisanych wyników pomiarówKomunikat b∏´du Znaczenie Komunikaty B¸¢DÓWWarunki Gwarancji PrzechowywanieCzyszczenie Informacje O Utylizacji I Recyklingu Tego Produktu