Sunrise Medical GTX Moving Backward, RAMPS, Slopes & Sidehills, Transfer, Curbs & Steps, Stairs

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Use extra care when you move your chair backward. Your chair is most sta- ble when you propel yourself forward. You may lose control or tip over if one of the rear wheels hits an object and stops rolling.

1.Propel your chair slowly and smoothly.

2.If your chair has anti-tip tubes, make sure to lock them in place.

3.Stop often and check to be sure your path is clear.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.



Riding on a slope, which includes a ramp or sidehill, will change the center of balance of your chair. Your chair is less stable when it is at an angle. Anti- tip tubes may not prevent a fall or tip-over.

1.Do not use your chair on a slope steeper than 10%. (A 10% slope means: one foot in elevation for every ten feet of slope length.)

2.Always go as straight up and as straight down as you can. (Do not “cut the corner” on a slope or ramp.)

3.Do not turn or change direction on a slope.

4.Always stay in the CENTER of the ramp. Make sure ramp is wide enough that you are not at risk that a wheel may fall over the edge.

5.Do not stop on a steep slope. If you stop, you may lose control of your chair.

6.NEVER use rear wheel locks to try to slow or stop your chair. This is likely to cause your chair to veer out of control.

7.Beware Of:

a.Wet or slippery surfaces.

b.A change in grade on a slope (or a lip, bump or depression). These may cause a fall or tip-over.

c.A drop-off at the bottom of a slope. A drop-off as small as 3/4 inch can stop a front caster and cause the chair to tip forward.

8.To Reduce The Risk Of A Fall Or Tip-Over:

a.Lean or press your body UPHILL. This will help adjust for the change in the center of balance caused by the slope or sidehill.

b.Keep pressure on the handrims to control your speed on a down slope. If you go too fast you may lose control.

c.Ask for help any time you are in doubt.

9.Ramps At Home & Work– For your safety, ramps at home and work must meet all legal requirements for your area. We recommend:

a.Width. At least four feet wide.

b.Guardrails. To reduce the risk of a fall, sides of ramp must have guardrails (or raised borders at least three inches high).

c.Slope. Not more than a 10% grade.

d.Surface. Flat and even, with a thin carpet or other non-skid material. (Make sure there is no lip, bump or depression.)

e.Bracing. Ramp must be STURDY. You may need bracing so ramp does not “bow” when you ride on it.

f.Avoid A Drop Off. You may need a section at the top or bottom to smooth out the transition.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.



It is dangerous to transfer on your own. It requires good balance and agility. Be aware that there is a point during every transfer when the wheelchair seat is not below you. To avoid a fall:

1.Work with your health care advisor to learn safe methods.

a.Learn how to position your body and how to support yourself during a transfer.

b.Have someone help you until you know how to do a safe transfer on your own.

2.Lock the rear wheels before you transfer. This keeps the rear wheels from rolling.

NOTE– This will NOT keep your chair from sliding away from you or tipping.

3.Make sure to keep pneumatic tires properly inflated. Low tire pres- sure may allow the rear wheel locks to slip.

4.Move your chair as close as you can to the seat you are transferring to.

If possible, use a transfer board.

5.Rotate the front casters until they are as far forward as possible.

6.If you can, remove or swing footrests out of the way.

a.Make sure your feet do not catch in the space between the footrests.

b.Avoid putting weight on the footrests as this may cause the chair to tip.

7.Make sure armrests are out of the way and do not interfere.

8.Transfer as far back onto the seat surface as you can. This will reduce the risk that the chair will tip or move away from you.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.



1.Each person who helps you should read and follow the warnings “For Safe Use” (Section VII).

2.Do not try to climb or descend a curb or step alone UNLESS you are a skilled rider of this chair and:

a.You can safely do a “wheelie”; and

b.You are sure you have the strength and balance to do so.

3.Unlock and rotate anti-tip tubes up, out of the way, so they do not interfere.

4.Do not try to climb a high curb or step (more than 4 inches high) UNLESS you have help. Doing so may cause your chair to exceed its balance point and tip over.

5.Go straight up and straight down a curb or step. If you climb or descend at an angle, a fall or tip-over is likely.

6.Be aware that the impact of dropping down from a curb or step can damage your chair or loosen fasteners.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.



1.NEVER use this chair on stairs UNLESS you have someone to help you. Doing so is likely to cause a fall or tip-over.

2.Persons who help you should read and follow the warnings “For Attendants” and “For Safe Use” (Section VII).

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.



NEVER use this chair on an escalator, even with an attendant. If you do, a fall or tip-over is likely.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.

052124 Rev. D



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Contents Quickie GTX This manual must be given to the rider of this wheelchairFor Answers to Your Questions IntroductionSunrise Listens II . Table of Contents III . Your Chair and ITS Parts Quickie GTX SWING-AWAY Quickie GTX Fixed FrontIV. Notice Read Before USE General WarningsChanges & Adjustments Motor Vehicle SafetyWhen YOU Need Help Environmental ConditionsVI . Warnings Falls & TIP Overs Moving Backward RAMPS, Slopes & SidehillsTransfer Curbs & StepsVII . Warnings for Safe USE Viii . Warnings Components and Options Power Drive Offset Seating OptionalPositioning Belts Optional Push Handles OptionalTravel Wheels Upholstery FabricRear Suspension Optional IX . SET- UP, Adjustment & USE Rear Wheel Axle NUT Adjustment 3To Mount & Remove Rear Wheels 1 Padded SWING-AWAY Armrests OptionalBack Depth Adjustment Optional HEIGHT-ADJUSTABLE Armrests OptionalTHREE-POINT Height Adjustable Armrest Backrest Footrest Height Adjustment GTX Fixed Front 14Articulating or Elevating Legrest GTX SWING-AWAY 12 Back Angle Adjustment 17 Fitting the JAY Precision BackRear Axle Cushion InstallationSeat Sling Wheel Camber Setting Toe-in Toe-out to Zero 29 30 31Setting the Toe to Zero 30 31 Wheel Locks Rear Wheel Axle AdjustmentRear Wheel Spacing 33 Adjusting Caster Angle 38 CastersRe-squaring Your Casters 40 Inserting Anti-Tip Tubes Into Receiver 42CHECK-OUT Travel Wheels 46Folding and Unfolding Troubleshooting Make sure tire pressure is correct and equal in bothXI . Maintenance XII . Sunrise Limited Warranty Para Contestar SUS Preguntas IntroducciónSunrise Escucha II . Contenido III . SU Sill a Y SUS Partes Quickie GTX Giratoria Quickie GTX DE Frente FijoIV. Aviso LEA Esto Antes DE Usar Advertencias GeneralesCambios Y Ajustes Condiciones AmbientalesTerreno USO EN LA CalleVI . Advertencias Caidas Y Volcaduras Cambios Moviéndose Hacia AtrásRAMPAS, Planos Inclinados Y Laderas Aceras Y EscalonesVII . Advertencias Para UN USO Seguro Viii . Advertencias Componentes Y Opciones Asiento Descentrado Opcional Cinturones DE Posicionamiento OpcionalesMotor Eléctrico Asideros DE Empuje OpcionalesSistemas DE Asiento Modificados Tela DE LA TapiceríaSuspensión Trasera Opcional Ruedas DE TraslaciónIX . PREPARACIÓN, Ajuste Y USO Para Montar Y Quitar LAS Ruedas Traseras 1Ajuste DE LA Tuerca DEL EJE DE LA Rueda Trasera 3 Reposabrazos Giratorios Acojinados OpcionalReposabrazos DE Altura Ajustable Opcionales Ajuste DEL Poste InternoReposabrazos DE Altura Ajustable DE Tres Puntos Ajuste DE LA Profundidad DEL Respaldo OpcionalAjuste DE Altura DEL Reposapiés GTX DE Frente Fijo 14 RespaldoRemoción AjusteAjuste DEL Ángulo DEL Respaldo 17 Ajuste DEL Respaldo DE Precisión JAYCómo ajustar el ángulo del respaldo Ajuste del contornoEJE Trasero Eslinga DEL AsientoInstalación DEL Cojín Ajuste de la convergencia a cero 30 31 Inclinación lateral de las ruedasAjuste de la convergencia y divergencia a cero 29 30 31 Separación DE LAS Ruedas Traseras 33 Seguros DE LAS RuedasAjuste del eje de la rueda trasera Apriete los tornillos a 144 pulg.-lbs .3 NmRuedas Pivotantes Ajuste del ángulo de la rueda pivotante 38Reencuadre de las ruedas pivotantes 40 Verificación de la perpendicular de las ruedas pivotantesRevisión Ruedas DE Traslación 46Plegado Y Desplegado Guía DE Detección Y Solución DE Problemas XI . Mantenimiento XII . Garantía Limitada DE Sunrise Sunrise À L’ÉCOUTE Réponses À VOS QuestionsII . Table DE Matières Réglage de lécrou dessieu de roue arrièreIII . LES Pièces DE Votre Fauteuil IV. Notice À Lire Avant Toute Utilisation Avertissements D’ORDRE GénéralChangements ET Réglages Conditions EnvironnementalesUtilisation Dans LA RUE Sécurité EN VoitureVI . Avertissements Chutes ET Basculement Centre DéquilibreHabillage OU Changement DE Vêtements CabrésDéplacement Vers L’ARRIÈRE Pour Saisir UN Objet OU Vous PencherRAMPES, Pentes ET Descentes TransfertVII . Avertissements Pour UNE Utilisation Sécuritaire Viii . Avertissements Composantes ET Options Goupilles DE Verrouillage DE Roulette Coussins ET Sièges EN ToileAttaches REPOSE-PIEDSBloc Dentraînement Poignées DE Manœuvre EN OptionEssieux À Déblocage Rapide Roues ArrièreSuspension Arrière EN Option Roues DE TransportIX . MONTAGE, Régl AGE ET Utilisation Montage ET Démontage DES Roues Arrière 1Réglage DE Lécrou Dessieu DE Roue Arrière 3 Accoudoirs Pivotants Rembourrés EN OptionRéglage DE LA Profondeur DU Dossier EN Option Accoudoirs À Hauteur Réglable EN OptionAccoudoir À 3 Hauteurs Réglables Dossier DéposeRéglage SurélévationInstallation DU Dossier ‘JAY Precision BACK’ Réglage de lemplacement des supports latérauxRéglage DE L’ANGLE D’INCLINAISON DU Dossier 17 Pour régler l’angle d’inclinaison du dossierEssieu Arrière Installation DU CoussinToile DE Siège Carrossage de la roue Réglage du pincement des roues sur zéro 29 30 31Réglage du pincement sur zéro 30 31 ParallèlesRéglage de lécrou dessieu de roue arrière Écartement DES Roues Arrière 33Freins Roulettes Réglage de langle des roulettes 38Réajustage de vos roulettes 40 Insertion des tubes anti-basculement dans le support 42Vérifications Roues DE Transport 46Pliage ET Dépliage Dépannage XI . Entretien Tableau DentretienConseils D’ENTRETIEN NettoyageXII . Garantie Limitée Sunrise Sunrise Medical Inc