Fractions and Decimals | The system recognizes a slash (/) with a number | |
| before and after it as a fraction. For example, for 1/3, | |
| the system says "one third." The system also | |
| recognizes decimal points. For example, for 2.50, the | |
| system says "two point five zero." | |
Punctuation | The system ignores most punctuation, including the | |
| following: | |
| ∙ | Comma (,) |
| ∙ | Exclamation point (!) |
| ∙ | Parentheses () |
| ∙ Dash | |
| ∙ | Colon and semicolon |
| ∙ Brackets, both square [ ] and curly { } | |
| ∙ | Question mark (?) |
| ∙ Slash (/) and backslash (\) | |
| ∙ | Double quotes (") |
| ∙ | Smily face |
| ∙ Apostrophe (').NOTE: The system pronounces | |
| contractions correctly. |
| The system ignores a period (.) at the end of a | |
| sentence or when a space follows the period. The | |
| system says "period" if text follows the period. For | |
| example, U.S.A. is pronounced "U period S period A." | |
Spoken symbols | The system pronounces some symbols as follows: | |
| ∙ ampersand (&) as "and" | |
| ∙ plus sign (+) as "plus sign" |
∙ equals sign (=) as "equals sign"
∙ greater than (>) as "greater than sign" ∙ less than (<) as "less than sign"
∙ percent sign (%) as "percent sign"
∙ dollar sign ($$) as "dollar sign," or "dollars" when followed by numbers
∙ at sign (@) as "at sign"
∙ minus sign