6Skip forward
5Skip backward
* 6 | Skip to next message component |
* 5 | Skip to previous message component |
Responding to a Message
3.(Optional): Press 1, and one of the following:
0Call the sender. In this case, you exit your mailbox.
1Reply to the sender by voice mail.
2Forward with comment at the beginning.
3Forward with comment at the end.
4Record and address a new message.
If you press any key other than 0, continue with Steps a, b, and c.
a.Record and address your message, if necessary. See Step 4 in "Sending a Voice or Voice- Fax Message". (If you'rereplying to the sender, you don't need to address the message.)
b.Press # to approve, if necessary.
c.Press # to send, or enter a delivery option, then press #. See "Enhanced Delivery Options".
The components of a response or message you forward always have the following sequence:
The system puts the message components in this sequence even if the original sequence was different.
Acting on a Message
4.Press one of the following:
* D ( * 3 ) | Delete the message. |
* * U ( * * 8 ) | Undelete the message. |
#Save and skip to the next message.
* * H ( * * 4 ) Hold the message in the current category and skip to the next message.
*# Skip to the next message category.