Greenheck Fan 470656 Motors, Filters, Chilled Water Coils, Evaporative Coolers, Cooling Coils

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Motor maintenance is generally limited to cleaning and lubrication (where applicable).

Cleaning should be limited to exterior surfaces only. Removing dust and grease build-up on the motor assures proper motor cooling.

Motors supplied with grease fittings should be greased in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.


Do not allow water or solvents to enter the motor or bearings. Motors and bearings should never be sprayed with steam, water or solvents.


Greasing motors is only intended when fittings are provided. Many motors are permanently lubricated, requiring no additional lubrication.


Filter maintenance is generally limited to cleaning and replacement.

If aluminum mesh filters are installed, they can be washed in warm soapy water.

An adhesive spray can be added to aluminum mesh filters to increase their efficiency.

If disposable filters are installed, they can be checked by holding up to a light source. If light cannot pass through the filter, it should be replaced.


When reinstalling filters, be sure to install them with the airflow in the correct direction. An airflow direction arrow is located on the side of the filters.


Replacement filters should be from the same manufacturer and the same size as the original filters provided with the unit.

Chilled Water Coils

Test the circulating fluid for sediment, corrosive products and biological contaminants. Make the necessary corrective measures.

Maintain adequate fluid velocities and proper filtering of the fluid.

If automatic air vents are not utilized, periodic venting of the coil is recommended to remove accumulated air.

Evaporative Coolers

The media should be periodically brushed lightly with a soft bristle brush in an up and down motion while flushing with water. This aids in reducing the amount of mineral build-up.

For large amounts of mineral build-up, clean or replace the media and increase the water bleed-off or flush rate.

The cooling media has a useful life of 3 to 5 years depending on the water quality and the bleed-off or flush rate.


When reinstalling the evaporative media, make sure that it is installed correctly. Reference the drawing shown below.


Replacement media should be from the same manufacturer and be the same size as the original media provided with the unit.


Entering Air

Leaving Air


Media Orientation

Cooling Coils


Repair and replacement of the coil and the connecting piping, valves, etc., should be performed by a qualified individual.

Inspect the coil for signs of corrosion and/or leaks. Repair any leaks as required.

Inspect the coil’s surface for foreign material. If the coil surface needs cleaning, clean the coil from the leaving air-side so that foreign material will be washed out of the coil rather than pushed farther in.

Inspect and clean the drain pan to prevent the growth of algae and other organisms.


Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations before using any cleaning fluid.


Caution should be used to avoid injury when venting the coil. High pressure and/or high temperature fluids can cause serious injuries.


Model IG / IGX Make-Up Air 59

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Contents General Safety Information Installation, Operation and Maintenance ManualStorage Inspection and Maintenance during StorageReceiving HandlingClearance to Combustibles / Service Clearances Table of ContentsInstallation of Arrangement DB / HZ Installation of Indoor UnitAssemble and Attach Weatherhood Installation of Roof Mounted Unit Arrangement DBCInstall Combination Curb Adaptor Install Curb/Equipment SupportsInstall Supply Unit Install Exhaust FanInstall Exhaust Options Installation of Venting for Outdoor Units Installation of Evaporative Cooling Module optionalSeparated Combustion Concentric Venting Installation of Venting for Indoor UnitsVenting Methods Standard Indoor VentingVent Pipe Diameter Installation of Standard Indoor VentingInstalling Exhaust Vent Pipe Concentric Venting Horizontal Installation of Concentric Venting GeneralConcentric Venting Vertical Intake END Seal Wall Openings Installation of Two Pipe Venting HorizontalSeal Roof Penetration Installation of Two Pipe Venting VerticalInstallation Electrical Wiring Install DDC Interface Optional Wire the Evaporative Cooler optionalInstall Economizer Sensors optional Install Discharge Air Sensor optionalConnect the Supply Gas Line Installation of Gas PipingInstall Additional Regulator if Required Determine the Supply Gas RequirementsCheck/Adjust Water Level Installation Evaporative Cooler Piping optionalInstall the Water Supply Line Install the Drain LineWater Wizard Valves When provided by manufacturer Installation of Water WizardTM optionalInstall Normally Closed Supply Line/ Solenoid Install Normally Open Drain Line/ SolenoidWire the Temperature Sensor Installation of Water WizardInstallation Direct Expansion DX Coil Piping optional Wire the SolenoidsEvacuate and Charge the Coil Install Suction LineMount the Remote Sensing Bulb By Others Check Coil Piping for LeaksInstallation of Building Pressure Control optional Installation of Chilled Water Coil Piping optionalStart-Up Blower Set-up Optional Components Send Unit to High Fire Reset the Temperature SettingStart-Up Furnaces all units Start-Up Single Stage ControlCheck the Low Fire Manifold Pressure Start-Up 21 Staged ControlStart-Up 81 Staged Control Send Unit to Low FireAccess the Inlet Air Sensor Setting Access the Setpoints MenuAccess the Discharge Air Temperature Setting Edit the SettingAccess the Room Override Setting Start-Up 21 Electronic Modulation High Fire AdjustmentCheck the Low Fire Manifold Pressures Exit High Fire ModeStart-Up 41 Electronic Modulation Access the Setpoints Menu Set the Enthalpy Changeover Set Point optional Verify Sensor InstallationStart-Up Economizer optional Set Minimum Outside AirStart-Up Evaporative Cooling optional Start-Up Water Wizard optional Operation - Water Wizard optional Building Pressure Control External Signal a variableCheck Operation VAV Units optional Damper actuator may take a few Check Operation Recirculating Units optionalRecirculation Operation Building Pressure Control aExhaust Fan Contact S1 Manually Closed optional Sequence of Operation Staged SequenceSequence of Operation 21 Modulation Sequence Operation Modulation Staged Controller Discharge Air Temperature dtSOutside Air Temperature OAt Sequence of Operation Modulation SequenceLight Off Blinking Sequence of Operation 41 Electronic ModulationProgram Revision Number Optional Room Override ROtSequence of Operation Electronic Modulation Staging Control Sequence of Operation Sequence of Operation Staged ControlFollowing are the green LED codes of operation Operation and Errors Ignition ControllerOption EC-2 Outside Air Enthalpy Reference Option EC-1 Outside Air Temperature ReferenceOption EC-3 Differential Temperature Control Operation EconomizerBlower Does Not Operate TroubleshootingMotor Over Amps Too Much Airflow Insufficient AirflowExcessive Noise or Vibration Improper manifold pressure Single or 21 Stage Furnace Will Not LightModulating Furnace Will Not Light Heat transformer TR2 fault Ignition controllers IC# failed Staged Furnace Will Not Light Internal high limit tripped temperature above set point Water Blows through Evaporative Cooler Evaporative Cooler does not Operate Recirculating pumpWater Wizard Improper Water Supply Adjust the Manual Supply ValveAdjust the On Time Factor Wheels Maintenance RoutineBelt Drives Snow AccumulationEvaporative Coolers MotorsFilters Chilled Water CoilsMaintenance Fall Flushing Coils Reference Model IGX Venting Connection Location Reference Model IG Venting Connection LocationReference Model IG Single or 2 Stage Reference Model IG Staged Reference Model IG Modulation Modulating Reference Model IGX Blower Control Center Manifold Gas Pressure Test Port Staged Inch Gas Supply Manifold Gas Pressure Test Port Modulating Staged Performance Table Reference Performance TableStart-Up Checklist Reference Start-Up ChecklistWarranty Maintenance Log