Sequence of Operation
2:1 Modulation Sequence, continued
•N.O. contact on cool relay (RC) is energized and closed
•Power passes to evaporative cooling pump (P1)
*If DX or chilled water coils are used rather than an evaporative cooler, the cooling sequence of operation will depend on the coil controls. Cooling coil controls are supplied by others.
4:1 Modulation and
8:1 Staged Controller
L1 | L2 | L3 |
Function |
| Up |
Enter |
| Down |
Water Wizard™ User Interface
Key Function Description
Program Mode
Program Mode allows the user to view the Program Menu and edit the factory default settings. To access Program Mode and view the Setpoints Menu, press and hold the Function key for three seconds. While viewing the Setpoints Menu, press the Up or Down key to scroll through the menu options. To view the setting of the selected menu option, press the Enter key. To edit the setting, press the Up or Down key while viewing the setting. To save the setting and return to the Setpoints Menu press the Enter key.
To return to the Setpoints Menu without saving the change, wait 15 seconds. To exit Program Mode from the Setpoints Menu, wait 15 seconds.
Changing the default settings will significantly affect performance. Only change a setting after reading and understanding this entire manual.
The Enter key must be pressed to save any changes made to a setting.
Inlet Air Sensor (iAS)
The inlet air sensor monitors the temperature of the inlet air. If the inlet air is above the sensor’s set point, the inlet air sensor shuts off the furnace and continues to supply the warm outside air. The inlet air sensor is preset to the factory recommended 65ºF for 8:1 and 60ºF for 4:1.
Discharge Air Temperature (dtS)
The discharge air temperature setting is the temperature that the unit will discharge. The discharge air temperature is preset to the factory recommended 70ºF. The actual discharge air temperature is the default display.
Outside Air Temperature (OAt)
To temporarily display the outside air temperature, use the Up or Down key until the display reads “OAt,” then press the Enter key.
40 Model IG / IGX