Table 3-3 Telnet Commands and Parameters (continued)
| Password to determine which SNMP SetRequests (control functions) the HP Jetdirect |
| print server responds to. The community name of an incoming SNMP SetRequest must |
| match the print server's set community name for the print server to respond. (For |
| additional security, you can limit configuration access through the print server's host |
| access list.) Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters. |
| Default Get community name. |
| 0 Disable. |
| 1 (default): Enable. |
| Disabling this parameter can prohibit communications with SNMP management |
| applications. |
SNMP Traps |
| Send SNMP authentication traps. Authentication traps indicate that an SNMP request |
| was received, but the community name check failed. |
| 0 Disable. |
| 1 (default) Enable. |
| Add a host's IP address to the HP Jetdirect print server's SNMP trap destination list. The |
| list can contain up to six entries. To receive SNMP traps, the listed systems must have a |
| trap daemon that listens for the traps. The following is the command format: |
| In the example, |
| [community name] specifies the SNMP community name, and [port number] |
| identifies the port number to use. |
| The default community name is public. The default SNMP port number is 162. You must |
| enter a community name to specify a port number. |
| To delete the list, set trap destination to zero |
| By default, the SNMP trap destination list is empty and the print server does not send |
| SNMP traps. |
| IPX/SPX protocol operation on the print server. |
| 0 Disable. |
| 1 (default): Enable. |
| NOTE: On HP Jetdirect 640n print servers, all network protocols except TCP/IP are |
| disabled by factory default. |
| Name assigned to the print server. Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters. By default, |
| the name is NPIxxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the last six digits of the LAN hardware |
| address. |
Address | |
| the form <network number>:<LAN hardware address>. |
| IPX frame type settings available for your print server model: AUTO (default), EN_SNAP, |
| EN_8022, EN_8023, EN_II. For more information, see HP Jetdirect configuration |
| pages on page 139. |
ENWW | IPv4 configuration 55 |