Config Precedence tab
Specify the order of precedence of the print server configuration methods. For example, to ensure that IPv4 parameters configured by a TFTP server cannot be overwritten by a manual configuration method (such as the printer control panel, Telnet, or the HP Embedded Web Server), you can indicate that TFTP takes precedence over manual configuration.
Table 4-8 TCP/IP Config Precedence tab
Item | Description |
Configuration Methods | Precedence of the configuration methods. The default precedence order is shown, |
| where manual configuration has the highest priority. To change the order of the list, |
| select an entry and use the up or down arrows to move it. |
| Manual Use the printer control panel, Telnet, HP Embedded Web Server, installation |
| and management software. |
| TFTP Use a TFTP file from a TFTP server, typically identified during a BootP/DHCP |
| configuration. |
| DHCP/Bootp Use a BootP or DHCPv4 server. |
| DHCPv6 Use a DHCPv6 server. |
| Default: Factory default configuration. |
Reset to default scheme | Reset the precedence table to the default sequence. |
Reinitialize Now | Save the new precedence table, clear the configuration method to its |
| setting, and restart the IP stack. |
Clear Previous Values and | Save the new precedence table, clear the configuration method to its |
Reinitialize Now | setting, clear current TCP/IP parameter settings, and restart the IP stack. |
Apply | Click Apply to save the changes to the Configuration Methods precedence table. |
Cancel | Depending on the changes made, you might need to turn the print server Off/On to |
implement. | |
| Click Cancel to cancel your changes to the precedence table. |
| CAUTION: Clicking Cancel does not reverse changes made by the Reinitialize |
| Now or Clear Previous Values and Reinitialize Now buttons. |
Example: To set all parameters configured through DHCP to
1.Turn on the print server so that it obtains its DHCP configuration.
2.Change the precedence table to the following:
78 Chapter 4 HP Embedded Web Server (V.45.xx.nn.xx) | ENWW |