Franke Consumer Products FHPL 301 1CO Contents, Introduction, Useful advice

Page 11





Useful advice




Hob cleaning and maintenance




Safety instructions




Technical data




Thank you for choosing a Franke product. Before using the appliance, please carefully read all the instructions and advice contained in this manual. In this way you will be able to make best use of the appliance and also ensure its lasting efficiency. Keep this booklet for further reference.

Useful advice

Using the cooking zones

For better efficiency and lower electricity consumption, use pots of suitable width for the cooking zones.

Using the hob

To obtain best results from your hob, take the following precautions when cooking or preparing food.

-Use flat-bottomed pots to ensure their even position on the cooking zone.

-Use pots of width as similar as possible to that of the cooking zones, in order to exploit all the heat available and in any case make sure the pot does not surmount the steel trim.

-Always check that the bottoms of pots are clean and dry, to ensure the long life of the hob and the pots.

It is advisable not to use pots with aluminium bottoms, as they could permanently mark the surface of the vitroceramic hob.

Avoid spilling sugary substances on the hob. If necessary, clean immediately. Do not directly heat tins containing food.


Switching on the cooking zone

Switch the hob on by lightly pressing (prolonged) the ON/OFF button . The cooking zone display (D) shows a “0”. The dot (E) at the bottom right on the cooking zone display flashes, indicating that no cooking zone has currently been selected.

Activation and use

With the hob switched on, activate the control zone by lightly pressing the button . The dot (E) lit up on

the zone display indicates activation. By pressing the button the cooking zone is activated with the preset

power level 5. To increase it, press the button again; to decrease it, press the button . Alternatively, the

max. power value 9 can be set immediately by pressing the button . The outer circuit can be activated by

pressing the button : the dot lit up (F) indicates selection has been made.

The outer circuit can only work at the same time as the inner circuit; when the outer circuit is also activated, power adjustment regards both circuits.

After a few seconds of operation, power adjustment is inhibited and the corresponding dot (E) of the cooking zone goes off. To adjust the power, the cooking zone must be selected again.


Image 11 Contents
Einbau-Gasmulde Piano di cottura da incassoBuilt-in hob Table de cuisson encastrableПанель управления Варочная панель Установка, Рис Qwurgxlrqh RQVLJOLG·XVR $XWRSURWHLRQHGHOOHRQHGLFRWWXUDHGHOFLUFXLWRHOHWWURQLFR 3XOLLDHPDQXWHQLRQHGHOSLDQRGLFRWWXUD $VVLVWHQD Qvwdoodlrqh Roohjdphqwrdooduhwhhohwwulfd Dwlwhfqlfl Use ContentsUseful advice IntroductionAutomatic preheating at maximum power function Automatic switching offSwitching off the cooking zone Switching off both circuits at the same timeAcoustic signal Hob cleaning and maintenanceProtection in case of accidental switching on Control panel lock child safety deviceSupport Safety instructionsPreparing the cabinet InstallationDo not allow children to touch Do notInformation for Users Technical dataConnection to the power supply Utilisation SommaireConseils d’utilisation Témoin de chaleur résiduelle Arrêt automatiqueExtinction du foyer de cuisson Extinction simultanée des deux circuitsVerrouillage des touches sécurité enfants Signal sonoreNettoyage et entretien de la table de cuisson Protection contre la mise en marche involontaireAvertissements de base Service Après-venteConsignes de sécurité IndiquezPréparation du meuble Installation dans le meubleÉvitez que les enfants puissent accéder Évitez les opérations suivantesInformations Destinées AUX Utilisateurs Données techniques1 mm² de type H05VV-F Wie benutze ich mein Kochfeld InhaltsverzeichnisEinleitung Tipps für den GebrauchAnkochautomatik bei Höchstleistung AbschaltautomatikAbschalten der Kochzone Gleichzeitiges Abschalten beider HeizkreiseTastensperre Kindersicherung SignaltonReinigung und Pflege des Kochfelds Schutz vor versehentlichem EinschaltenAllgemeine Hinweise KundendienstSicherheitshinweise Ihre Kundendienststelle benötigt folgende AngabenEinbetten in das Möbel Vermeiden SieWichtig Vorbereitung des MöbelsAnwenderinformationen Technische DatenElektrischer Anschluss Gebruik InhoudInleiding Adviezen voor het gebruikGelijktijdige uitschakeling van beide circuits Restwarmte-indicatorAutomatische uitschakeling Uitzetten van de kookzoneOpheffen van de toetsenblokkering Reiniging en onderhoud van de kookplaatBeveiliging in geval van onopzettelijke inschakeling Blokkering van de toetsen kinderbeveiligingAlgemene aanwijzingen AssistentieWaarschuwingen voor de veiligheid Vermeld de volgende gegevensInstallatie Informatie Voor DE Gebruikers Technische gegevensAansluiting op het elektriciteitsnet Het inbouwmeubelCómo utilizar el aparato ÍndiceIntroducción Recomendaciones de usoFunción de precalentamiento automático a la máxima potencia Desconexión automática de seguridadDesconexión de la zona de cocción Desconexión de ambos circuitosEliminación del bloqueo de teclas Limpieza y mantenimiento de la placa de cocciónProtección en caso de conexión involuntaria Bloqueo de las teclas seguridad para niñosPóngase en contacto con personal cualificado en caso de AsistenciaAdvertencias de seguridad ComuniqueInstalación Conexión a la red eléctrica Datos técnicosCertificado de garantía Información Para LOS Usuarios Cláusulas de exclusiónComo utilizar o aparelho IntroduçãoConselhos de utilização Função de aquecimento prévio automático à potência máxima Desactivação automáticaDesligar a zona de cozedura Desactivação de ambos os circuitos em simultâneoEliminação do bloqueio das teclas Limpeza e manutenção da placaProtecção em caso de activação involuntária Bloqueio das teclas segurança para as criançasContacte unicamente pessoal qualificado nos seguintes casos Assistência técnicaAdvertências de segurança IndiquePreparação do móvel InstalaçãoEvite que as crianças toquem Evite as seguintes operaçõesInformação AOS Utilizadores Dados técnicosLigação à rede eléctrica $!1 Page #2!12 /.012+ ÙŒ0##020 Œ&1/Œ 201000/0# Œ! 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