Smeg WRSR25V5A manual Food Storage

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Food Storage

Para almacenar



des aliments





Maximum storage time can be attained by use of plastic wrap to prevent drying of foods. The coldest storage area is the main freezer compartment. Door shelves are intended for shorter term storage items such as juices, pastries, and prepared foods.

Do not exceed the storage times specified by the manufacturers of commercially frozen and processed foods. Follow package instructions.

Do not place effervescent drinks in the frozen food storage section as bursting and personal injury may result. Also for personal safety, note that some products such as water ices should not be consumed too cold.


Fresh Food Section - Keep door openings to a minimum to prevent loss of cold air. Normally, depending on the surrounding temperature, foods will not deteriorate for up to 12 hours.

Frozen Food Section - To prevent introduc- tion of heat, do not open freezer door. Normally, foods will not begin to thaw out for up to 6 hours. Foods that have thawed should not be refrozen. However, if freshly thawed, foods may be immediately cooked or processed for consumption.

When the refrigerator resumes operation, carefully check for food deterioration and discard any affected food.

Clean and dry interior surfaces.



Para que los alimentos no se sequen y duren el máximo de tiempo congelados, deben envolverse en plástico. El sector más frío estádentro del compartimiento congelador principal. Los anaqueles en la puerta son para guardar alimentos de menor duración, tales como jugos, pasteles y comidas preparadas.

No guarde los alimentos más que el tiempo recomendado por los fabricantes de alimentos congelados y elaborados comericalmente. Siga las instrucciones del paquete.

No ponga bebidas efervescentes en la sección congeladora, ya que los recipientes pueden estallar, causando lesiones personales. También, para su seguridad, recuerde que algunos productos, como los sorbetes, no deben consumirse demasiado fríos.


Sección de alimentos frescos - Abra las puertas lo menos posible para que no se escape el aire frío. Normalmente, dependiendo de la temperatura ambiente, los alimentos se mantienen sin deteriorarse hasta por 12 horas.

Sección de alimentos congelados - Para evitar que se caliente el interior, no abra la puerta del congelador. Normalmente, los alimentos se mantendrán congelados hasta 6 horas. No deben volver a congelarse los alimentos que se hayan descongelado, pero si se acaban de descongelar, pueden cocinarse o elaborarse immediatamente para su consumo.

Cuando vuelva a funcionar la refrigeradora, compruebe cuáles alimentos se han deteriorado, y tírelos.


La durée de conservation peut être optimalisée en enveloppant les aliments de filme plastique. L’endroit le plus froid se trouve dans le compartiment de congélation principal. Les étagères des portes sont conçues pour le stockage court- terme d’aliments tels que jus de fruits, pâtisseries et plats préparés.

Ne pas dépasser la durée de stockage indiquée par les fabricants de surgelés et de plats préparés. Suivez les instructions de l’emballage.

Ne pas mettre de boissons gazeuses dans le congélateur car celles-ci risquent d’exploser et de causer des blessures. De même, pour assurer votre sécurité, notez que certains produits, tels que les glaçons, ne doivent pas être consommés trop froids.


Compartiment Aliments Frais - Ne laissez pas la porte ouverte plus longtemps que nécessaire afin d’éviter la déperdition d’air froid. Normalement, et selon la température ambiante, les aliments se conserveront pour une période allant jusgu’à 12 heures.

Compartiment Congélation - Ne pas ouvrir la porte pour éviter l’entrée d’air chaud. Normalement, les aliments resterons congelés jusqu’à 6 heures. Les aliments décongelés ne doivent pas être recongelés. Néanmoins, les aliments qui viennent d’être décongelés peuvent être cuits ou préparés pour consommation immédiate.

Lorsque le réfrigérateur se remet en marche, vérifiez soigneusement les aliments pour éliminer tout article détérioré.

Nettoyez et séchez les surfaces intérieures.

Limpie y seque las superficies interiores.


Image 32
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WRSR25V5A specifications

The Smeg WRSR25V5A is a truly remarkable refrigerator that combines functionality with a stylish design, making it a standout addition to any modern kitchen. Known for its innovative technologies and superior performance, the WRSR25V5A serves as an ideal solution for those seeking an appliance that keeps food fresher for longer while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of their home.

One of the main features of the WRSR25V5A is its impressive refrigeration capacity. It boasts a large interior volume that allows ample storage for all your groceries, from fresh produce to frozen items. This model includes a variety of shelf configurations, including adjustable glass shelves and door storage compartments, ensuring that every inch of space can be utilized efficiently. The refrigerator comes equipped with LED lighting, which not only illuminates the interior but is also energy-efficient, reducing electricity consumption.

The Smeg WRSR25V5A incorporates advanced cooling technologies to maintain optimal food preservation. The MultiFlow function ensures an even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, minimizing temperature fluctuations that can lead to spoilage. Additionally, it features a No Frost system, which prevents ice build-up in both the fridge and freezer compartments, making defrosting a thing of the past and ensuring the appliance runs smoothly.

Another standout characteristic of the WRSR25V5A is its user-friendly digital control panel, which allows you to easily adjust temperatures and settings. This seamless interface provides convenience, letting you customize your storage conditions based on your needs. Furthermore, the model includes a Fast Freeze function that rapidly lowers the temperature in the freezer, perfect for quickly freezing fresh produce or leftovers.

The Smeg WRSR25V5A also includes energy-saving features that contribute to its eco-friendliness. It is rated with high energy efficiency, helping to minimize your carbon footprint and reduce energy costs. The appliance also boasts a sleek and sophisticated design, available in various colors, which can seamlessly blend into any kitchen décor.

Overall, the Smeg WRSR25V5A stands out for its combination of advanced technology, spacious design, and aesthetic appeal, making it an ideal choice for those who value performance and elegance in their kitchen appliances. With its innovative features, this refrigerator is engineered to meet the demands of today's fast-paced lifestyles while keeping food fresher for longer.