Smeg WRSR25V5A manual Service Servicio Dépannage

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Service Servicio Dépannage


You may be able to save a service call by checking the following possible causes


1.Ensure that the freezer control knob is at midpoint, not zero.

2.Ensure that the house fuse is not blown or a circuit breaker is not tripped.

3.Ensure that the service cord plug has not been removed or loosened from the wall outlet.

4.Ensure that air circulation in the cabinet is not blocked by overcrowded shelves or by paper or other covering on the shelves.

5.Outside temperatures can affect how your refrigerator operates. Refer to the “TEMPERATURE CONTROL” Section of this manual.

6.A vibrating or rattling noise indicates your refrigerator may not be leveled properly.

7.If the doors are opened too frequently or for too long, temperatures will be affected.

If you cannot locate the cause of the trouble, call your authorized service dealer. When calling for service, always give your model and serial number.


To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment:

1.Disconnect the service cord.

2.Use a cloth or gloves to protect against possible broken glass.

3.Remove light cover.

4.Unscrew old bulb and replace with an A15, E27, or an A19, E27, 40 watt appliance bulb.

5.Replace light cover.


Si hace ANTES las siguientes comprobaciones, podrá evitarse un pedido de servicio innecesario:

1.Asegúrese de que la rueda de control del refrigerador esté en la posición central y no en cero.

2.Asegúrese de que el fusible no esté estropeado ni ningún interruptor de circuito suelto.

3.Asegúrese de que la unidad no esté desenchufada o que su enchufe no esté flojo en la toma de corriente.

4.Asegúrese de que no haya objetos que bloqueen la circulación del aire dentro del refrigerador.

5.La temperatura ambiente puede influir en el funcionamiento de su refrigerador. Vea la sección “CONTROLES DE TEMPERATURA” en este folleto.

6.Un ruido vibrante o matraqueo indica que la unidad puede no estar bien nivelada.

7.Si las puertas se abren con demasiada frecuencia, o quedan abiertas mucho tiempo, la temperatura interna subirá.

Si no puede localizar el origen del problema, llame a su agente de servicio autorizado. Siempre indique su modelo y número de serie al solicitar servicio.


La bombilla del compartimiento refrigerador se reemplaza de la siguiente manera:

1.Desenchufe la unidad.

2.Use un paño o guantes por si hay vidrios rotos.

3.Retire la cubierta de la luz.

4.Desenrosque la bombilla quemada y reemplácela con una bombilla A15, E27, o una A19, E27, de 40 vatios, para electrodomésticos.

5.Coloque la cubierta de la luz.



Vous pourriez éviter les frais d’un dépannage à domicile si vous vérifiez les causes possibles suivantes d’ABORD :

1.Vérifiez que le bouton de contrôle du congélateur est en position intermé- diaire, pas à zéro.

2.Vérifiez qu’il n’y a pas de court-circuit ou que le disjoncteur n’a pas sauté.

3.Assurez-vous que la fiche du cordon électrique n’est pas sortie complètement ou partiellement de la prise.

4.Assurez-vous que les grilles de ventila- tion intérieures ne sont pas obstruées par des étagères surchargées, ou du papier ou autre matériau recouvrant les étagères.

5.La température extérieure peut influen- cer le fontionnement de votre réfrigéra- teur. Reportez-vous à la section « COMMANDES DE TEMPÉRATURE » de ce livret.

6.Des vibrations ou des bruits de quin- caillerie peuvent indiquer que votre réfrigérateur n’est pas de niveau.

7.L’ouverture trop fréquente des portes ou pendant des périodes prolongées influe sur la température interne du réfrigéra- teur.

Si vous ne pouvez pas trouver la source du problème, faites appel à votre concessionnaire. N’oubliez pas d’indiquer le modèle et le numéro de série de votre appareil lors de votre appel.


Pour remplacer l’ampoule électrique du compartiment du réfrigérateur :

1.Débranchez le cordon électrique.

2.Utilisez un chiffon ou des gants pour vous protéger contre d’eventuels bris de verre.

3.Enlevez le protège-ampoule.

4.Dévissez l’ancienne ampoule et remplacez-la avec une ampoule pour appareil ménager de type A15, E27 ou A19, E27 de 40 watts.

5.Replacez le protège-ampoule.


Image 46
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WRSR25V5A specifications

The Smeg WRSR25V5A is a truly remarkable refrigerator that combines functionality with a stylish design, making it a standout addition to any modern kitchen. Known for its innovative technologies and superior performance, the WRSR25V5A serves as an ideal solution for those seeking an appliance that keeps food fresher for longer while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of their home.

One of the main features of the WRSR25V5A is its impressive refrigeration capacity. It boasts a large interior volume that allows ample storage for all your groceries, from fresh produce to frozen items. This model includes a variety of shelf configurations, including adjustable glass shelves and door storage compartments, ensuring that every inch of space can be utilized efficiently. The refrigerator comes equipped with LED lighting, which not only illuminates the interior but is also energy-efficient, reducing electricity consumption.

The Smeg WRSR25V5A incorporates advanced cooling technologies to maintain optimal food preservation. The MultiFlow function ensures an even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, minimizing temperature fluctuations that can lead to spoilage. Additionally, it features a No Frost system, which prevents ice build-up in both the fridge and freezer compartments, making defrosting a thing of the past and ensuring the appliance runs smoothly.

Another standout characteristic of the WRSR25V5A is its user-friendly digital control panel, which allows you to easily adjust temperatures and settings. This seamless interface provides convenience, letting you customize your storage conditions based on your needs. Furthermore, the model includes a Fast Freeze function that rapidly lowers the temperature in the freezer, perfect for quickly freezing fresh produce or leftovers.

The Smeg WRSR25V5A also includes energy-saving features that contribute to its eco-friendliness. It is rated with high energy efficiency, helping to minimize your carbon footprint and reduce energy costs. The appliance also boasts a sleek and sophisticated design, available in various colors, which can seamlessly blend into any kitchen décor.

Overall, the Smeg WRSR25V5A stands out for its combination of advanced technology, spacious design, and aesthetic appeal, making it an ideal choice for those who value performance and elegance in their kitchen appliances. With its innovative features, this refrigerator is engineered to meet the demands of today's fast-paced lifestyles while keeping food fresher for longer.