Configuring ARP Settings 129
Defining ARP Settings The ARP Settings Setup Page allows network managers to define ARP parameters for specific interfaces.
The monitor users have no access to this page.
To configure ARP entries:
1Click Administration > ARP Settings > Setup. The ARP Settings Setup Page opens:
Figure 61 ARP Settings Setup Page
The ARP Settings Setup Page contains the following fields:
■VLAN — Selects the VLAN for which ARP parameters are defined.
■IP Address— Defines the station IP address, which is associated with the MAC address.
■MAC Address — Defines the station MAC address, which is associated in the ARP table with the IP address.
■ARP Entry Age Out — Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that passes between ARP Table entry requests. Following the ARP Entry Age period, the entry is deleted from the table. The range is
2Define the fields.
3Click . The ARP parameters are defined, and the device is updated.