Defining Port The Port Mirroring Setup Page contains parameters for configuring port Mirroring mirroring.
The monitor user has limited access to this page.
To enable port mirroring:
1Click Monitoring > Port Mirroring > Setup. The Port Mirroring Setup Page opens:
Figure 101 Port Mirroring Setup Page
The Port Mirroring Setup Page contains the following fields:
■Select port type — Defines the port that will be the monitor port (destination port) and the port that will be mirrored (source port). The possible values are:
■Monitor — Defines the port as the monitor port, the destination port.
■Mirror — Defines the port as the mirrored port (source port) to be monitored and indicates the traffic direction to be monitored. If selected, the possible values are:
■Mirror In — Enables port mirroring on the port RX.
■Mirror Out — Enables port mirroring on the port TX.