Viewing CoS to The CoS to Queue Summary Page contains a table that displays the CoS Queue values mapped to traffic queues.
To view CoS Values to Queues:
1Click Device > QoS > CoS to Queue > Summary. The CoS to Queue Summary Page opens:
Figure 79 CoS to Queue Summary Page
The CoS to Queue Summary Page contains the following fields:
■Class of Service — Displays the CoS priority tag values, where 0 is the lowest and 7 is the highest.
■Queue — Indicates the traffic forwarding queue to which the CoS priority is mapped. Four traffic priority queues are supported.
Defining CoS to The CoS to Queue Setup Page contains fields for mapping CoS values to Queue traffic queues. Four traffic priority queues are supported on the device,
with 1 representing the lowest queue and four as the highest. The highest priority queue functions with strict priority while queues
The monitor user has no access to this page.