Defining Access Control Lists | 81 |
Figure 34 IP Based ACL Remove Page
The IP Based ACL Remove Page contains the following fields:
■ACL Name — Selects an ACL name from a list of the
■Remove ACL — Enables the ACL to be removed.
■Checkbox (unnamed) — When checked, selects the rule for removal. The top checkbox is used to select all rules for removal.
■Priority — Indicates the ACL priority, which determines which ACL is matched to a packet on a
■Protocol — Indicates the protocol in the rule to which the packet is matched.
■Destination Port — Displays the TCP/UDP destination port.
■Source Port — Displays the TCP/UDP source port to which the ACL is matched.
■Flag Set — Indicates the TCP flag matched to the packet.
■ICMP Type — Indicates the ICMP message type for filtering ICMP packets.
■ICMP Code — Indicates the ICMP message code for filtering ICMP packets. ICMP packets that are filtered by ICMP message type can also be filtered by the ICMP message code.
■IGMP Type — Indicates the IGMP message type filter.