Defining IP The IP Setup Page contains fields for assigning an IP address. The Default Addressing Gateway is erased when the IP Address is modified and changed. Packets
are forwarded to the default gateway when sent to a remote network.
The monitor user has no access to this page.
To define an IP interface:
1Click Administration > IP Setup. The IP Setup Page opens:
Figure 59 IP Setup Page
The IP Setup Page contains the following fields:
■Configuration Method — Defines whether the IP address is configured statically or dynamically. The possible field values are:
■Static — Specifies that the IP Interface is configured by the user.
■DHCP — Specifies that the IP Interface is dynamically created.
■IP Address — Defines the IP address.
■Subnet Mask — Defines the subnet mask.
■Default Gateway — Defines the default gateway.
2Select Static or DHCP mode.
3If Static has been selected, configure the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.
4Click . The IP configuration is enabled, and the device is updated.