Viewing Port The Port Statistics Summary Page contains fields for viewing information Statistics about device utilization and errors that occurred on the device.
To view RMON statistics:
1Click Port > Statistics > Summary. The Port Statistics Summary Page opens:
Figure 100 Port Statistics Summary Page
The Port Statistics Summary Page contains the following fields:
■Select Port — Selects the specific port for which RMON statistics are displayed.
■Refresh Rate — Defines the amount of time that passes before the interface statistics are refreshed. The possible field values are:
■No Refresh — Indicates that the port statistics are not refreshed.
■15 Sec — Indicates that the port statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
■30 Sec — Indicates that the port statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
■60 Sec — Indicates that the port statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.