Defining Access Control Lists | 69 |
Removing MAC Based The MAC Based ACL Remove Page allows the user to remove
Monitor users have no access to this page.
Click Device > ACL > MAC Based ACL > Remove. The MAC Based ACL
Remove Page opens:
Figure 30 MAC Based ACL Remove Page
The MAC Based ACL Remove Page contains the following fields:
■ACL Name — Selects a
■Remove ACL — Enables the ACL to be removed.
■Checkbox (unnamed) — When checked, selects the rule for removal. The top checkbox is used to select all rules for removal.
■Priority — Indicates the rule priority, which determines which rule is matched to a packet on a firstmatch basis.
■Source Address — Matches the source MAC address to which packets are addressed to the rule.
■Destination Address — Matches the destination MAC address to which packets are addressed to the rule.
■VLAN ID — Matches the packet's VLAN ID to the rule. The possible field values are 1 to 4093.
■CoS — Classifies Class of Service of the packet.