3Specify the public port that will be seen by clients on the Internet, and the LAN port which the traffic will be routed to.
4You can enable or disable each Virtual Server entry by checking or unchecking the appropriate Enabled checkbox.
5Click Apply to save the changes for each Virtual Server entry.
DMZ If you have a client PC that cannot run an Internet application properly from behind the firewall, you can open the client up to unrestricted
Figure 73 DMZ Screen
Use this feature on a temporary basis. The computer in the DMZ is not protected from hacker attacks.
Check the Enable DMZ box, the IP Address of Virtual DMZ Host will appear.
1Enter the last digits of the LAN IP address in the Client PC IP Address field. Enter the IP address (if known) that will be accessing the DMZ PC into the Public IP Address field, so that only the computer on the Internet at this address can access the DMZ PC without firewall protection. If the IP