1Power LED (Illuminated Logo) White
The 3Com logo serves as power OK indicator. This LED will light if the router is receiving power from the power adapter. If it is not lit check the power adapter connections. Refer to Chapter 6 Troubleshooting.
2Alert LED Amber
Fast flash during self test. If self test fails the LED will remain on. Fast flash during software upgrade.
Fast flash for software reset to the factory defaults. Fast flash for hardware reset to the factory defaults.
The LED is on for 2 seconds when the firewall detects a hacker attack.
3ADSL Sync Blue
LED on indicates the Internet connection is on. This LED flashes during configuration at power up.
4ADSL Data Blue
Fast flash means transmitting/receiving data. Slow flash means ADSL connection is down.
5Wireless LAN (WLAN) Status LED Blue
If the LED is on it indicates that wireless networking is enabled. If the LED is flashing, the link is OK and data is being transmitted or received. If the LED is off, the Wireless LAN has been disabled in the Router, or there is a problem. Refer to Chapter 6 Troubleshooting.
6LAN Status LEDs (4 indicators) Blue
If the LED is on, the link between the port and the next piece of network equipment is OK. If the LED is flashing, the link is OK and data is being transmitted or received. If the LED is off, nothing is connected, or the connected device is switched off, or there is a problem with the connection (refer to Chapter 6 Troubleshooting). The port will automatically adjust to the correct speed and duplex.