Line Keys and Programmable Keys
Do Not Disturb (DND) Key
The IP phones have a feature you can enable called "Do not Disturb (DND). The DND function allows you to turn "do not disturb" ON and OFF.
Note: You can configure DND using the Aastra Web UI only.
If DND is ON, callers calling into the phone hear a busy signal or a message, depending on how your System Administrator set up the configuration server. The second line on the screen of the IP phone shows when DND is set.
If the phone shares a line with other phones, only the phone that has DND configured is affected.
You can set DND on the programmable keys using the Aastra Web UI only. DND is not configurable from the IP phone UI.
Configuring a DND Key
Aastra Web UI
1.Click on
Click on
2.Select a "Key 3" through "Key 6".
3.In the "Hard Key" field, select do not disturb to apply to the programmable key.
4.Click to save your changes.
48Model 53i IP Phone User Guide