Line Keys and Programmable Keys
Line Key
You can set a programmable key to act as a line/call appearance key on the 53i. The programmable key acts as a line that behaves the same as a hard line key (L1, L2, and L3) . For more information about the behavior of line keys, see "Multiple Line and Call Appearance Keys" on page 39.
You use the Aastra Web UI to set a programmable key as a line.
Configuring a Line Key
Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to set a programmable key to function as a line.
1.Click on
Click on
2.Select from "Key 3" through "Key 6".
3.In the "Hard Key" field, select Line to apply to the programmable key.
4.In the "Line" field, select a line for which to apply this programmable hard key. Valid values are 4 through 9.
5.Click to save your changes.
42Model 53i IP Phone User Guide