Part 8: Editing Programs
MOD 1 – MOD 6
About General Purpose Modulation
Although there are several dedicated modulators in the QS (e.g., the pitch can always be modulated by the pitch LFO and Pitch Envelope), sophisticated synthesizer programming demands the ability to use as many modulation sources as possible to modulate as many modulation destinations as desired.
The QS arranges its modulation source outputs and modulation destination inputs into a “matrix” so that any selected source can connect to any of several destinations.
There are six general purpose matrix modulators, which allows you to control up to six parameters with any of several control sources.
Use the MOD functions to setup your own customized control of a program, such as:
•Using the PEDAL 1 input or the Controller A Slider to control volume, brightness (filter cutoff), effect level, LFO speed, etc.
•Using velocity to increase or decrease the attack speed of an envelope, so playing softly makes the sound fade in, while playing hard causes an immediate attack.
•Using release velocity to increase/decrease the release time of an envelope, so quick releases of the keys cut off the end of the sound, while slow key releases allow the sound to fade away gradually.
The MOD functions give you the freedom to go beyond the standard modulation sources
Note: Six Mods may seem like a lot, but once you run out, you're going to wish you had more! One way to extend the power of your Mod section is to be sure you're not routing something with a Mod that could be handled elsewhere in the QS's functions. Here's a list of routings which we "hardwired" into the synth to free up Mods:
Source | Destination | Location | Notes |
Aftertouch | Pitch(bend) | PITCH pg. 5 |
| Filter frequency | FILTER pg. 5 |
| Amplitude | AMP/RANGE pg. 2 |
| Pitch LFO depth | PITCH LFO pg. 7 |
| Filter LFO depth | FILTER LFO pg. 7 |
| Amplitude LFO depth | AMP LFO pg. 7 |
Mod Wheel | Filter frequency | FILTER pg. 4 |
| Pitch LFO depth | PITCH LFO pg. 6 |
| Filter LFO depth | FILTER LFO pg. 6 |
| Amplitude LFO depth | AMP LFO pg. 6 |
Velocity | Filter frequency | FILTER pg. 3 |
Note Number | Filter frequency | FILTER pg. 2 | On/Off |
| Envelope decay/sustain | P/F/AENV pg. 8 | On/Off* |
| decay/release time |
140 | QS7.1/QS8.1 Reference Manual |