First Session: Part 3
The mode in which your QS plays Programs is called, logically enough, Program Mode. To enter it at any time, just press the [PROGRAM] button on the front panel.
Once there, all you have to do is play.
To explore different Programs in the current Bank, use the [SELECTION] and
[VALUE] buttons. Experiment with them until you have a feel for how they work.
Remember that the [VALUE] buttons move through the available Programs one at a time, while the [SELECTION] buttons enable you to jump around at will — to get
Program 27 you would push [20] and then [7], to get Program 99 you would press [90] and then [9], and so forth.
Please note: In MIDI there are no Program numbers above 127, so pressing [8] or [9] after pressing [120] won’t do anything; and pressing [120] from any Program number ending in 8 or 9 will “wall out” your Program choice at Program #127.
To explore Programs in a different Bank, use the [BANK] buttons. You can also get to a new Bank by using the [VALUE] buttons to scroll from the end of one Bank to the
beginning of another, or
The number, name, and Bank of the current Program will be visible in the LCD display, which should look something like this:
•The big numerals on the left show you the number of the current Program.
•The upper line spells out the current Program’s name.
•The middle line identifies the current Bank.
•The PROG beneath the Program Number shows you are in Program Mode.
•The small number underneath the Bank listing shows the current MIDI channel. It is also a MIDI activity indicator, flashing a small circle whenever MIDI data is sent or received over this channel. (To see this for yourself, hit any key.)
MIDI has 16 channels. While in Program Mode, your QS can transmit and receive information on only one of them. As noted just above, the current channel is shown by a small indicator along the bottom of the LCD display.
To change this MIDI channel setting, press either of the the [PAGE] buttons on the front panel until the MIDI channel number you want is visible in the display.
QS7.1/QS8.1 Reference Manual | 31 |