Part 5: MIDI
Mix Play Mode also allows the QS to function as a very powerful MIDI master keyboard. You can layer the QS’s internal sounds with those of several external synthesizers by adjusting the proper parameters in Mix Edit mode.
For instance: You probably already know that you can layer and/or split several QS Programs in Mix Mode while simultaneously playing external synthesizers on those same MIDI channels. But the real power comes from using QS MIDI channels which have their Keyboard and MIDI Input parameters turned OFF. When this is the case, you can send a combination of MIDI Program changes and MIDI volume and panning commands to the external devices to select and blend them precisely the way you want with internal Programs on other channels. What's more, the QS can transpose the outgoing MIDI note numbers so you can play high octave brass sounds from an external device in the lower region of the keyboard, and/or layer external
The QS is so versatile as a master keyboard that if you play live, it could prove indispensible. Or if you just like having that huge, perfect,
There’s a detailed description of the parameters you would use to make all of this happen in Part 7: Editing Mixes. If you haven’t read that chapter yet, go check out the section that describes the KEYBOARD/MIDI function (button [90]). If you’re already familiar with those parameters, you're not far from being able to do the things listed in the previous paragraph.
Note: Be sure to check out the following pages for some useful information regarding:
•Bank Select and Program changes (Part 5: MIDI, pages 52 and 53)
•Making sure the Effects Patch doesn’t change in a Mix when Program changes are received (Part 6: Editing Effects, page 64)
•Enabling and disabling the Wheels, Aftertouch, Sustain Pedal, and Controllers independently per channel (Part 7: Editing Mixes, page 105)
•Assigning different MIDI controller numbers to the four sliders and two variable pedal inputs (Part 4: Basic Operation, pages 44 and 45). Remember that even if you’re not using pedals, the controller numbers you assign to them are still available as Mod sources via MIDI.
•Setting up the
to MIDI, or both (Part 4: Basic Operation, page 47).
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