Example of calling Label Format from Host Application
The example below shows how a form named Mailing_Label that was defined in the file Pal_Procs_and_Formats.txt may be called from a host or PC application. The file Pal_Procs_and_Formats.txt must be copied to the printer first before the label format is defined. Also it is possible to store the formats in Flash memory which is an advanced topic not covered here. Other examples of calling these formats may be found in Format_Demo.txt
Notice how strings are enclosed in ( ). Also notice how variables are separated by whitespace which may be a single space character or a CR+LF. Two possible call formats are shown below each producing the same output as the label sample below shows.
The actual label format name is shown in bold for clarity.
(John Doe) (1234 Main St.) (Anytown, NC) (12345) (1234)
Or an equivalent format:
(John Doe) (1234 Main St.) (Anytown, NC) (12345) (1234) Mailing_Label
Print sample produced by label format Mailing_Label.
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