Rotate a Text Object
Label Output | PALTM Command Sequences |
1 "
Hello World!
Hello World!
1 "
/Sans12.00pt findfont
12scalefont setfont
7272 moveto (Hello World!) show
7268 moveto
14468 lineto
3030 moveto
25830 lineto
258258 lineto
30258 lineto closepath stroke
7290 moveto
(Hello World!) show
Purpose: Demonstrate how to rotate text. This example builds on the previous example by placing another instance of “Hello World!” rotated 90 degrees.
moveto - Position the drawing cursor at the desired location
The text will be located at the same x position and slightly higher in the y direction relative to the previous text.
rotate - Rotate the coordinate system
In this example the coordinate system is rotated 90 degrees. Since the entire drawing surface is being rotated, it is important to reset the rotation by the same amount in the opposite direction (- 90 degrees) after text has been placed.
show - Place the text on the label
The text to be printed is enclosed by parentheses. The lower
Fastmark 600 Series User's Guide | 49 |