You can choose a numbered item to change its current setting. Type its

corresponding number and press ENTER. Press SPACEBAR when

prompted to cycle through the settable values. Press ENTER to confirm

any change and return to the UPS Characteristics menu.

The following table gives a description of the settings on the UPS Char-

acteristics menu. Those marked with a † are non-settable characteristics.

Setting Description
ModelModel name of the connected UPS.
Hexadecimal display of the UPS switch settings for those
UPSs that have them. Used by technical support. Not e:
Call-UPS II will not allow changes to UPS characteristics
if this value is other than 0.
UPS S/NSerial number of the UPS.
F/W RevRevision number of the firmware in the UPS.
UPS ID Identification of the UPS (not settable through Call-UPS II).
Manuf. DateDate of manufacture of the UPS.
Output Rated output voltage of the UPS. Settable for UPSs that
allow change of output voltage. You will be prompted to
select from the choices displayed.
Battery Date Date of the last battery replacement (not settable through
Call-UPS II).
Low Transfer
Lowest allowed utility line voltage before transfer to battery
operation. Consult your UPS and computer manuals for
proper setting. Note : Matrix-UPS does not allow setting low
transfer voltage.
High Transfer High utility line voltage setting for transfer to battery
operation. Consult your UPS and computer manuals for
proper setting.