In general, MySQL is not affected by changing an IP address or DNS name. However, none of the data in the databases is altered when the DNS name or IP address are changed. You are responsible for replacing references to the DNS name and address (if used) in your databases.
If you set a database root password, there might be entries in the database GRANT table (database=mysql, table=user) that refer to the previous server DNS name. In this case, use Server Admin to reset the root password, which will then reflect the current server identity.
Server administrators should make sure that MySQL clients that have saved references to the DNS name of the MySQL Service are updated to reflect any change in the server identity.
The typical default configuration will not need further configuration after changing the DNS name or IP address of QTSS. If you configured specific IP bindings, change those to the new address and restart the service. Relays you defined might have invalid IP addresses after an IP address change.
Wiki service remains unaffected by a change in the IP address, assuming Apache is still functioning and DNS names change.
However, wikis can be configured to specific DNS names. If you manually edited configuration files to restrict wiki access to DNS names, make the relevant changes in those files.
Certificates for Web and Wiki Services
Web and wiki servers that use SSL will need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. You must use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each service’s, or site’s, new certificate.
Understanding IP Address or Network Identity Changes on File Services
File services provide file storage and retrieval for network clients. File services include:
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management