Certificates for Collaboration Services
AddressBook, iCal, and iChat servers that use SSL will need new certificates. You might need regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the new certificates, then configure each service’s new certificate.
Understanding IP Address or Network Identity Changes on Podcast Producer
Podcast Producer is a complex service. It uses a number of other services and computers to perform its work. Because several Xgrid Agent computers and camera capture computers depend on contact with the Podcast Producer server, changes to the IP address or DNS name must be coordinated for affected computers, not just the main Podcast Capture server.
If Podcast Producer server is run on a computer providing DNS to a network or is run on a computer providing directory services to a network as an Open Directory Master, resolve the conflicts and network conditions for those services before attempting to account for changes done to Podcast Producer
For more information on how address and identity changes affect DNS and directory services, see “Understanding IP Address or Network Identity Changes on Infrastructure Services” on page 133.
Changing the IP address or DNS name might necessitate changing settings for the following services and software:
ÂÂ DNS server
ÂÂ Open Directory server ÂÂ Xgrid Controller
ÂÂ NFS file service
ÂÂ Xsan and its MDC configuration (if used for file storage) ÂÂ Mail Services (if used by a workflow)
ÂÂ Wiki Server (if used by a workflow) ÂÂ iChat Server (if used by a workflow) ÂÂ QMaster (if used by a workflow)
ÂÂ Final Cut Server (if used by a workflow)
You can reduce the number of services to reconfigure by initially defining an alias record in DNS (a CNAME record) and using the DNS name alias as the DNS name for configuration purposes.
If any listed servers use SSL, they will need new certificates. You might need to regenerate or repurchase the certificates. Use Server Admin to import the certificates, then configure each service’s new certificate.
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management