To run slapd in debugging mode:
1Stop and remove slapd from launchd’s watch list:
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.openldap.plist
2Restart slapd in debug mode:
sudo /usr/libexec/slapd
AFP Logging
The server side of Apple File Service Protocol (AFP) keeps track of access and errors, but it does not have much debugging information. However, you can add
To enable client-side logging:
Perform all these actions on the AFP client computer.
1Set the client debug level (levels
defaults write
2Set the client log message recipient (in this case, syslog):
defaults write
3Enable syslog to catch the debugging messages from the client.
You do this by adding *.debug /var/log/debug.log to the syslogd.conf file.
4Restart the syslog process.
Additional Monitoring Aids
You can use additional aids for monitoring Mac OS X Server. There are a number of
The inclusion of
ÂÂ Apple Remote Desktop (ARD): This software package contains many features that allow you to interact with, get reports on, and track computers running Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. It has several powerful administration features and excellent reporting capabilities.
ÂÂ Nagios
ÂÂ Growl
Chapter 8 Monitoring Your System