If you detect an unusual number of requests coming from the same source, use Firewall service to block traffic from that source.
For more information about tcpdump, see the corresponding man page.
ÂÂ Consider using Ruby, Perl, shell scripts, or AppleScript to automate the monitoring process. For example, using tcpdump to monitor traffic can be time consuming, so automation is necessary.
ÂÂ Consider using Ethereal, an X11 open source packet sniffing tool that you can run in the X11 environment on Mac OS X Server. Unlike tcpdump, this tool has a graphical user interface and a set of powerful network analysis tools.
For more information about Ethereal, see www.ethereal.com/.
ÂÂ You can use other
Using Server Status Notification in Server Admin
Server Admin has an easy to use notification system that can keep you informed of your server’s hard disk status, software status, and certificate status. Server Admin will send a mail to any address (local or not) when:
ÂÂ There is less than a specified percentage of free space left on any system hard disk.
ÂÂ Software Update packages are available from Apple for the server.
ÂÂ A certificate has expired or will soon expire.
To use the email functionality, the server starts SMTP. Make sure the firewall allows SMTP traffic from the server.
To set a notification:
1Open Server Admin.
2Select a server, click the Settings button in the toolbar, and then click the Notifications tab.
3Below the “Addresses to notify” field, click the Add (+) button and add an address.
4Repeat as needed, then click Save.
Monitoring Server Status Overviews Using Server Admin
Server Admin has several ways to see a status overview, from detailed information for a single server to a simplified overview for many servers.
To see a status overview for one server:
mm Select a server in the Server list.
Chapter 8 Monitoring Your System