59About Certificates, SSL, and Public Key Infrastructure
59Public and Private Keys
60About Certificate Authorities (CAs)
61About Identities
61About Intermediate Trust
62Certificate Manager in Server Admin
64Readying Certificates
65Creating a
65Requesting a Certificate from a Certificate Authority
66Creating a Certificate Authority
68Using a CA to Create a Certificate for Someone Else
68Importing a Certificate Identity
69Managing Certificates
69Editing a Certificate
70Distributing a CA Public Certificate to Clients
70Deleting a Certificate
71Renewing an Expiring Certificate
71Replacing an Existing Certificate
71Using Certificates
72SSH and SSH Keys
72Generating a Key Pair for SSH
74Administration Level Security
74Setting Administration Level Privileges
75Service Level Security
75Setting SACL Permissions
76Security Best Practices
77Password Guidelines
78Creating Complex Passwords
79Chapter 5: Installation and Deployment
79Installation Overview
81System Requirements for Installing Mac OS X Server
81Gathering the Information You Need
82Setting Up Network Services
82Connecting to the Directory During Installation
82SSH During Installation
82About the Server Install Disc
83Preparing an Administrator Computer