The following topics describe general Workgroup Manager usage. Instructions for conducting specific administration tasks are available in Workgroup Manager help and the Mac OS X Server Resources website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/.
Opening and Authenticating in Workgroup Manager
Workgroup Manager is installed in /Applications/Server/. You can open it in the Finder, the Dock, or by selecting View > Workgroup Manager in the menu bar of Server Admin.
When you open Workgroup Manager on the server you’re using without authenticating, you have
This approach is most useful when you’re administering various servers and working with several directory domains.
To authenticate as an administrator for a server, local or remote, enter the server’s IP address or DNS name in the login dialog box or click the directory path area of the Workgroup Manager window to choose another directory server. Specify the user name and password for an administrator of the server, then click Connect.
Use this approach when you work most of the time with a specific server.
After opening Workgroup Manager, you can open a Workgroup Manager window for a different computer by clicking New Window in the toolbar or choosing Server > Connect.
Important: When you connect to a server in Workgroup Manager, make sure the long or short user name you specify matches the capitalization in the user account. It is case sensitive.
Administering Accounts
User accounts and group memberships are not administered in Server Admin. You use Workgroup Manager to add and remove users and groups.
What follows is a brief synopsis of account administration using Workgroup Manager. Do not use this section as your only source of information about accounts.
Working with Users and Groups
After you log in to Workgroup Manager, the account window appears, showing a list of user accounts.
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management