5Click Save.
Renewing an Expiring Certificate
Certificates have an expiration date and must be renewed periodically. Renewing a certificate is the same as replacing a certificate with a newly generated one with an updated expiration date.
To renew an expiring certificate:
1Request a new certificate from the CA.
If you are your own CA, create one using your own root certificate.
2In Server Admin in the Server list, select the server that has the expiring certificate.
3Click Certificates.
4Select the Certificate Identity to renew.
5Click the Action button and select “Replace Certificate with Signed or Renewed Certificate.”
6Drag the renewed certificate to the sheet.
7Click Replace Certificate.
Replacing an Existing Certificate
If you change the DNS name of the server or any virtual hosts on the server, you must replace an existing certificate with an updated one.
To replace an expiring certificate:
1Request a certificate from the CA.
If you are your own CA, create one using your own root certificate.
2In Server Admin in the Server list, select the server that has the expiring certificate.
3Click Certificates.
4Select the Certificate Identity to replace.
5Click the Action button and select “Replace Certificate with Signed or Renewed Certificate.”
6Drag the replacement certificate to the sheet.
7Click Replace Certificate.
Using Certificates
In Server Admin, services like Web, Mail, VPN, and so on display a
Chapter 4 Enhancing Security