Server Preferences
Server Preferences is the simplified administration application you need for managing Mac OS X Server v10.6. You can use Server Preferences in addition to or instead of Server Admin and Workgroup Manager:
ÂÂ Manage basic user and group settings.
ÂÂ Configure essential service settings such as: file sharing service, Address Book service, iCal calendar service, iChat instant messaging service, mail service, network security, web services, VPN remote access service, and Time Machine backup for users’ computers.
ÂÂ Check the status of the server and services.
You can use Server Preferences on any server you want to manage, or you can use it remotely from an administrator computer or another server.
For information about using Server Preferences, see Getting Started or Server Preferences Help.
Workgroup Manager
Mac OS X Server includes Workgroup Manager, a user management tool you can use to create and manage user, group, computer, and computer group accounts. You also use it to access the Inspector, an advanced feature that lets you do raw editing of Open Directory entries.
Workgroup Manager is installed in /Applications/Server/, which you can open it in the Finder. Or you can open Workgroup Manager by clicking View > Workgroup Manager in the Server Admin menu bar.
Workgroup Manager works closely with a directory domain. Directory domains are like databases, and are geared towards storing account information and handling authentication.
Information about using Workgroup Manager appears in several documents at the Mac OS X Server Resources website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/.
After opening Workgroup Manager, you can open a Workgroup Manager window by choosing Server > New Workgroup Manager Window.
Important: When connecting to a server or authenticating in Workgroup Manager, make sure the capitalization of the name you enter matches the name of a server administrator or domain administrator account.