Appendix: Trouble Shooting
9.5Advanced Security
9.5.1Installing Unlimited Strength Encryption
To support key sizes larger than 128 bits, you will need to replace the standard Java Jurisdiction Policy Files using the following instructions:
1.Using your browser, go to the following link: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp
2.Follow the link entitled: Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 5.0 at the foot of the page.
3.Download and unzip the files.
4.Follow the instructions in the readme.txt. (The path for installation is /usr/java/jre1.5.0_13/lib/security).
5.You should note the instruction to back up the existing jars that will be replaced
9.5.2 Changing the Tomcat Port Numbers
You can change the default http and https ports (888 and 8443 respectively) by editing /opt/witness/tomcat5525/config/server.xml.
Locate the two Connector elements on roughly lines 20 and 30 and change 8888 to the chosen plain port number and 8443 to the chosen secure port number.
You must also set the following property in the properties file cscm.localport=nnnn specifying the replacement for 8888.
∙Note: If you are using Central Replay Server you must change all the recorders and the Central Replay Server. The port numbers must be consistent across all of these servers for upload to the Central Replay Server to work.
∙If you use Viewer you should alter the URL entered in the Viewer administration screens to your chosen port number.
∙Note: If you change the https port from the default of 8443 and you do not allow http access, you must also set the following line in the properties file so that attempts to use http are redirected to the correct https socket.
The server.xml may be overwritten on subsequent upgrades. You should keep a copy of the file after editing it so that this can be compared with any changed version and the appropriate set of merged changes determined after the upgrade.
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