IP Office ContactStore 7.8 Page 29
15-601038 Issue 4b (06 July 2009)IP Office
Configuring ContactStore Settings: Viewing Alarms and Events
4.4 Adding Hierarchical File Storage Support
If you intend to configure the recorder so that recordings are stored on a network share, where the ContactStore cannot
or should not attempt to determine the amount of free disk space, you may need to disable the deletion of old call
recordings. You will then need to ensure that the share does not fill (either manually or by some automated means, such
as a Hierarchical File Storage system) to ensure that there is always space available for new recordings.
To disable the deletion of old call recordings, add the following line to the properties file: csipo.diskmanager=false
The recorder will now not attempt to delete old recording files; therefore, you must configure the HFS system to migrate
older files to your tape library as necessary.
When attempting to replay calls from files that have been migrated to tape, there is a delay before the call is replayed. If
the delay is 30s or so, then the replay application will work; longer delays may trigger a time-out. If a time-out occurs,
wait a few minutes and then retry. The file may be restored by the time the second replay request is made.
4.5 Advanced Configuration Options
A number of advanced options require that you edit the properties file \properties\csipo.properties. The file is located
beneath the path into which you installed ContactStore. (The default path is C:\Program Files\Witness). You can use
Notepad or any other text editor to make the changes to this file. Before editing this file it is recommended you create a