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Menu overview
Below, you will find an overview of the menu structure of the Integral T3 Comfort. The first three menu levels are shown.
Deviations from the menu overview shown here may arise due to the features used, the accessories in use and the assignment of the function keys.
Menu line in basic |
| ... down one menu |
| ... down one menu |
menu |
| level |
| level |
| |
Call list |
Directory | > | Searching |
| New indiv. entry |
| New general entry |
Call divert | > | Follow me here |
| Route to |
| Route for |
| Bundle [x] |
AppointmentS | > | Own appointm. |
| Appointm. for others |
Charges | > | Last call |
| Total subs. |
| Total line |
| Total call charges |
| Euro |
Lock | > | Lock telephone |
| Setting up the PIN |
Message |
menu | > | Night service 1 |
| Night service 2 |
| Night service 3 |
| Auto. menu |
Settings | > | Display / Acoustics | > | Acoustics / contrast |
| Partner beep |
| Do not disturb |
| Language |
| Function keys |
| Keyboard |
| Dial settings | > | Autom. handsfree |