Caller ID

The Caller ID feature lets you use the Caller ID subscriber service offered by many local telephone companies. This service provides you, by means of the LCD, the name or telephone number of your caller as the line rings.

After a few rings, the LCD shows the telephone number of your caller (or name, if available). Once you pick up the handset, the Caller ID information disappears from the LCD, but the call information remains stored in the Caller ID memory.

You will see the first 16 characters of the number (or name).

Out of Area display means call originated outside your Caller ID service area.

Private Call display means the caller has intentionally blocked transmission of information.

If both the name and number are received, the LCD shows only the name. You can print a list of Caller ID information received by your MFC. (See Printing Caller ID List on page 5-15.)

Caller ID service varies with different carriers. Call your local telephone company to determine the kind of service available in your area.