Switch Administration | Upgrading and Changing Software |
Changing the Default Boot Load Image
Continuing with the example above, perform the following steps to set boot load image 0 back to being the default. s• Reboot the SmartCell
¢• When the following message appears
“Preparing to run Default Primary Image: 1
Enter 0 or 1 to override and force one of these primary image sectors to run:”
press the zero (0) key. The SmartCell
••Use the chpi command to make boot load image 0 the default.
=>chpi 0
Old Default Primary Image Number: 1
Erasing Sector in Primary Flash sector4
Programming control/stat info into Primary Flash sector4
New Default Primary Image Number: 0
T• Reboot the SmartCell
Preparing to run Default Primary Image: 0
Enter 0 or 1 to override and force one of these primary image sectors to run:
4.7.4Upgrading POST Diagnostic Software
s• Set up the TFTP/Bootp server software on a workstation.
¢• Connect both the TFTP/Bootp server and the SmartCell
••Connect a dumb terminal (or PC running terminal emulation software) to the SmartCell
T• Copy the SmartCell
Q• Set up the TFTP/Bootp server tables (or equivalent file) with:
†IP address of the SmartCell
†path to the POST file on the TFTP/Bootp server
••When the following message appears,
“Press any key to exit to boot load prompt.”
stop the countdown by pressing any key. The boot load prompt (=>) appears on the terminal screen.
G• Enter the df P command. The SmartCell
=>df p
You've requested a POST Software download
Are you sure?(Y/N)y
Initializing ethernet...
Starting Bootp...
Boot file: c:\tftpboot\images\post.ima
Using TFTP to get bootfile "c:\tftpboot\images\post.ima" .