Saving Core Dumps | Switch Administration |
If the problem is corrected, enter the update firmware command to continue with the upgrade process. However, if you are unable to correct the problem, use the df (download flash) command and a TFTP/Bootp server to replace the operating software on your SmartCell
s• Set up TFTP/Bootp server software on a workstation.
¢• Connect both the TFTP/Bootp server and the SmartCell
••Connect a dumb terminal (or PC running terminal emulation software) to the SmartCell
T• Copy the SmartCell
Q• Set up the TFTP/Bootp server tables (or equivalent file) with the SmartCell
••When the following message appears,
“Press any key to exit to boot load prompt. “
stop the countdown by pressing any key. The boot load prompt (=>) appears on the terminal screen.
G• Enter the df s command. The SmartCell
=>df s
You've requested a Switch Software download
Are you sure?(Y/N)y
Initializing ethernet...
Starting Bootp...
Boot file: c:\tftpboot\images\server.ima
Using TFTP to get bootfile "c:\tftpboot\images\server.ima" .
Validity checks of the Switch Software Downloaded file...
All Validity checks OK
Programming downloaded image into Switch Software section, please wait...
New Switch Software programmed successfully
n• Enter the go command to start the SmartCell
The SmartCell
2p›F To use the core dump feature, the local Ethernet host must be running TFTP server software, and you must have write access to the TFTP directory.