Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 41 Configuring the PPPoE Intermediate Agent Displaying Configuration Parameters
The info keyword appears if the PPPoE Intermediate Agent is enabled globally on an interface or on a
VLAN (in an interface). It also informs you about the access node ID and generic error message of the
switch, as well as the identifier string options and delimiter values configured globally by the following
Switch(config)# pppoe intermediate-agent format-type ?
access-node-id Access Node Identifier
generic-error-message Generic Error Message
identifier-string Identifier String
The info keyword also displays the circuit ID, remote ID, trust and rate limit configurations, and vendor
tag strip setting for all interfaces and for all VLANs pertaining to those interfaces. If any of these
parameters are not set, they are not displayed.
The statistics option displays the number of PADI/PADR/PADT packets received, and the time the last
packet was received on all interfaces and on all VLANs pertaining to those interfaces.
If interface is specified, information or statistics applicable only to that physical interface and pertaining
VLANs is displayed.
Although PPoE IA is supported on PVLANs, be aware that no PVLAN association (primary and
secondary VLAN mapping) information is displayed.
The PPPoE IA show commands such as show pppoe intermediate-agent info,
show pppoe intermediate-agent info interface g3/7, or show pppoe intermediate-agent statistics) do
not provide information about private VLAN association (primary and secondary VLAN mapping).
However, they do provide information about VLANs regardless of private or normal VLANs, as the
following example illustrate:
Switch# show pppoe intermediate-agent info
Switch PPPOE Intermediate-Agent is enabled
PPPOE Intermediate-Agent trust/rate is configured on the following Interfaces:
Interface IA Trusted Vsa Strip Rate limit (pps)
----------------------- -------- ------- --------- ----------------
GigabitEthernet3/4 no yes yes unlimited
PPPOE Intermediate-Agent is configured on following VLANs:
GigabitEthernet3/7 no no no unlimited
PPPOE Intermediate-Agent is configured on following VLANs:
Switch# show pppoe intermediate-agent info interface g3/7
Interface IA Trusted Vsa Strip Rate limit (pps)
----------------------- -------- ------- --------- ----------------
GigabitEthernet3/7 yes no no unlimited
PPPoE Intermediate-Agent is configured on following VLANs:
Switch# show pppoe intermediate-agent statistics
PPPOE IA Per-Port Statistics
---- -----------------
Interface : GigabitEthernet3/7
Packets received
All = 0
PADI = 0 PADO = 0
PADR = 0 PADS = 0
PADT = 0
Packets dropped:
Rate-limit exceeded = 0