Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 7 Checking Port Status and Connectivity Using Ping
2 vty 1 00:00:00
3 vty 2 00:00:00
4 vty 3 00:00:00
5 vty 4 00:00:00
Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address
To disconnect an active user session, enter this command:
This example shows how to disconnect an active console port session and an active Telnet session:
Switch> disconnect console
Console session disconnected.
Console> (enable) disconnect tim-nt.bigcorp.com
Telnet session from tim-nt.bigcorp.com disconnected. (1)
Switch# show users
Session User Location
-------- ---------------- -------------------------
telnet jake jake-mac.bigcorp.com
* telnet suzy suzy-pc.bigcorp.com
Using Ping
These sections describe how to use IP ping:
Understanding How Ping Works, page 7-7
Running Ping, page 7-8

Understanding How Ping Works

The ping command allows you to verify connectivity to remote hosts. If you attempt to ping a host in a
different IP subnetwork, you must define a static route to the network or configure a router to route
between those subnets.
The ping command is configurable from normal executive and privileged EXEC mode. Ping return s one
of the following responses:
Normal response—The normal response (hostname is alive) occurs in 1 to 10 seconds, depending
on network traffic.
Destination does not respond—If the host does not respond, a No Answer message is returned.
Unknown host—If the host does not exist, an Unknown Host message is returned.
Destination unreachable—If the default gateway cannot reach the specified network, a Destination
Unreachable message is returned.
Network or host unreachable—If there is no entry in the route table for the host or network, a
Network or Host Unreachable message is returned.
To stop a ping in progress, press Ctrl-C.
Command Purpose
Switch# disconnect {console | ip_addr}Disconnects an active user session on the switch.