Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 23 Configuring IGMP Snooping and Filtering Configuring IGMP Snooping
For an example of how to display Snooping Querier information, refer to the “Displaying IGMP
Snooping Querier Information” section on page 23-19.
Configuring Explicit Host Tracking
For IGMPv3, EHT is enabled by default and can be disabled on a per-VLAN basis.
To disable EHT processing on a VLAN, perform this task:
This example shows how to disable IGMP EHT on VLAN 200 and to verify the configuration:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# no ip igmp snooping vlan 200 explicit-tracking
Switch(config)# end
Switch# show ip igmp snooping vlan 200 | include Explicit host tracking
Explicit host tracking : Disabled
Configuring a Host Statically
Hosts normally join multicast groups dynamically, but you can also configure a host statically on an
To configure a host statically on an interface, perform this task:
Step 8 Switch(config)# ip igmp snooping
[vlan vlan_id] querier tcn query count
Configures IGMP Snooping Querier tcn query count.
Step 9 Switch(config)# ip igmp snooping
[vlan vlan_id] querier tcn query interval
Configures IGMP Snooping Querier tcn query interval.
Step 10 Switch(config)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Switch(config)# [no] ip igmp snooping vlan
vlan_ID explicit-tracking Enables EHT on a VLAN.
The no keyword disables EHT.
Command Purpose
Switch(config-if)# ip igmp snooping vlan
vlan_ID static mac_address interface
Configures a host statically in the VLAN.
Note This command cannot be configured to
receive traffic for specific source IP