Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 26 Configuring CDP Configuring CDP
Enabling CDP on an Interface
To enable CDP on an interface, use this command:
This example shows how to enable CDP on Fast Ethernet interface 5/1:
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 5/1
Switch(config-if)# cdp enable
This example shows how to disable CDP on Fast Ethernet interface 5/1:
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 5/1
Switch(config-if)# no cdp enable
Displaying the CDP Interface Configuration
To display the CDP configuration for an interface, use this command:
This example shows how to display the CDP configuration of Fast Ethernet interface 5/1:
Switch# show cdp interface fastethernet 5/1
FastEthernet5/1 is up, line protocol is up
Encapsulation ARPA
Sending CDP packets every 120 seconds
Holdtime is 180 seconds
Monitoring and Maintaining CDP
To monitor and maintain CDP on your device, enter one or more of the following commands:
Command Purpose
Switch(config-if)# [no] cdp enable Enables CDP on an interface.
Use the no keyword to disable CDP on an interface.
Command Purpose
Switch# show cdp interface [type/number]Displays information about interfaces where CDP is
Command Purpose
Switch# clear cdp counters Resets the traffic counters to zero.
Switch# clear cdp table Deletes the CDP table of information about neighbors.
Switch# show cdp Displays global information such as frequency of
transmissions and the holdtime for packets being