Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 57 Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM
Configuring Ethernet CFM
Step 14 sender-id {chassis | none}(Optional) Include the sender ID TLVs, attributes
containing type, length, and values for neighbor devices.
chassis—Send the chassis ID (host name).
none—Do not include information in the sender ID.
Step 15 mip auto-create [lower-mep-only | none](Optional) Configure auto creation of MIPs for the service.
lower-mep-only—Create a MIP only if there is a MEP
for the service in another domain at the next lower
active level.
none —No MIP auto-create.
Step 16 exit Return to ethernet-cfm configuration mode.
Step 17 mip auto-create [lower-mep-only](Optional) Configure auto creation of MIPs for the domain.
lower-mep-only—Create a MIP only if there is a MEP
for the service in another domain at the next lower
active level.
Step 18 mep archive-hold-time minutes (Optional) Set the number of minutes that data from a
missing maintenance end point is kept before it is purged.
The range is 1 to 65535; the default is 100 minutes.
Step 19 exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 20 interface interface-id Specify an interface to configure, and enter interface
configuration mode.
Step 21 switchport mode trunk (Optional) Configure the port as a trunk port.
Step 22 ethernet cfm mip level level-id (Optional) Configure a customer level or service-provider
level maintenance intermediate point (MIP) for the
interface. The MIP level range is 0 to 7.
Note This step is not required if you have entered the
ethernet cfm mip auto-create global
configuration command or the mip auto-create
ethernet-cfm or ethernet-cfm-srv configuration
Step 23 ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid
identifier {vlan vlan-id | port}Configure maintenance end points for the domain, and
enter ethernet cfm mep mode.
domain domain-name—Specify the name of the
created domain.
mpid identifier—Enter a maintenance end point
identifier. The identifier must be unique for each
VLAN (service instance). The range is 1 to 8191.
vlan vlan-id—Enter the service provider VLAN ID or
IDs as a VLAN-ID (1 to 4094), a range of VLAN-IDs
separated by a hyphen, or a series of VLAN IDs
separated by comma.
port—Configure port MEP.
Step 24 cos value (Optional) Specify the class of service (CoS) value to be
sent with the messages. The range is 0 to 7.
Command Purpose